The Greater DuPage Chapter of the Wild Ones was organized by Pat Armstrong and Vicki Nowicki in 1992. It was the fourth chapter of Wild Ones Natural Landscapers, Ltd. to be chartered and the first one outside the state of Wisconsin. Wild Ones Natural Landscapers Ltd is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities. It began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1979. Here are some of the benefits of joining our organization:
- Learn about NATIVE PLANTS enhancing your landscape as they feed nature
- See landscaped native yards at free yard tours of our members
- See rare wildflowers on our NATURE WALKS
- Hear excellent speaker presentations in colder months
- Obtain rare seeds from Northern Illinois native plants at our Seed Exchange
- Receive a monthly Chapter email bulletin
- Read the NATIONAL Journal online magazine
- Enjoy advice and friendship of 120+ fellow gardeners at picnics or potluck dinners
- Benefit wildlife and the environment
Join Greater DuPage Wild Ones! Our chapter meets throughout DuPage County, Illinois and nearby areas. Your membership will help support our chapter’s programs, field trips and workshops while supporting the continuing growth of the Wild Ones national movement. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and all membership dues and donations are 100% tax deductible to the extent of the law.
If you would like to help with the activities of our chapter: We Need You! If you are interested send an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you about your interest. We are a volunteer-run organization and can always use more helping hands.
Click here to join our chapter’s Facebook Group to communicate with each other, share pictures and ask for ideas.
Click here for some helpful resources on native plants. You can view past recordings of our chapter’s programs on the Greater DuPage Wild Ones YouTube Channel and national’s recorded webinars on the Wild Ones YouTube Channel.
Check out our NEW “Take a Hike” blog by Patricia Hayden! Each month Pat will be exploring various forest preserves, trails, and wilderness areas throughout DuPage County and sharing information about each site along with her experiences at these different locations to encourage you to Take a Hike!