Fall Colors at Pat Armstrong's Prairie and Savannah Yard
Public Welcome Free Event Home Garden Tour
Typically, Pat's yard shows glorious colors, but with the strange weather this past year, there may be only bare trees. Even so, Pat has a number of native plants expressing color: 8 species of goldenrods and 11 species of asters in her yard and on the roof just to start. She has 4 species of sumac and lots of Virginia Creeper that usually are scarlet red in fall. Hazelnuts are usually red and orange. Cottonwood is bright yellow. Sassafras, Sweeet Gum, and Bald Cypress should be colorful. Geranium and Bellwort should have some fall color and even prairie plants have fall color.
The address for Pat's yard was sent out in the chapter's newsletter. Email [email protected] if you need Pat's address.