Bee houses Beth Florence and friend Check-in table Diane and Jim Lecroy Dolores Soustek and Marion Martin Elderberry and Culver’s Root Entry to pond and monarch butterfly nursery Entry to pond and monarch butterfly nursery Front prairie Front Rain Garden Front Rain Garden Hummingbird moth Jeff and Bonnie Gahris. Jeff Gahris is running for DuPage County Forest Preserve Commisioner for District 4. Monarch butterfly nursery Nancy Olson and family Observing the LeCroy’s front rain garden Observing the LeCroy’s trees and shrubs Pagoda dogwood and paw paw trees Pat Armstrong Pat Clancy Pat Clancy and Jeanette Goodlow Pat Clancy looking for plant tag Pat Armstrong’s business Pipevine – host for Pipevine Swallowtail Pond Pond Pond Potted plants, antiques, and monarch butterfly nursery Potted plants, antiques, and monarch butterfly nursery Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie and bee houses Rain barrel Rain delay Redbud and front prairie Rich and Liz Whitney Side rain garden Larger side rain garden Signage Social distancing Steve guiding visitors through prairie Sue Lecroy and Iggy Sue Lecroy and Wendy Vernon Tiki bar Back view of tiki hut Turtle Crossing Vegetable garden and compost bin Wendy and Roger Vernon