Bee housesBeth Florence and friendCheck-in tableDiane and Jim LecroyDolores Soustek and Marion MartinElderberry and Culver’s RootEntry to pond and monarch butterfly nurseryEntry to pond and monarch butterfly nurseryFront prairieFront Rain GardenFront Rain GardenHummingbird mothJeff and Bonnie Gahris. Jeff Gahris is running for DuPage County Forest Preserve Commisioner for District 4.Monarch butterfly nurseryNancy Olson and familyObserving the LeCroy’s front rain gardenObserving the LeCroy’s trees and shrubsPagoda dogwood and paw paw treesPat ArmstrongPat ClancyPat Clancy and Jeanette GoodlowPat Clancy looking for plant tagPat Armstrong’s businessPipevine – host for Pipevine SwallowtailPondPondPondPotted plants, antiques, and monarch butterfly nurseryPotted plants, antiques, and monarch butterfly nurseryPrairiePrairiePrairiePrairie and bee housesRain barrelRain delayRedbud and front prairieRich and Liz WhitneySide rain gardenLarger side rain gardenSignageSocial distancingSteve guiding visitors through prairieSue Lecroy and IggySue Lecroy and Wendy VernonTiki barBack view of tiki hutTurtle CrossingVegetable garden and compost bin
Wendy and Roger Vernon