Member Summer Plant Photos

Below are photos of native plants from member yards in the summer.


Jack-in-the-Pulpit Red Berry Cluster (Arisaema triphyllum) from Carolyn Finzer’s yard 9/04/21


Wild Quinine (Parthenium integrifolium) from Jeanette Goodlow’s yard 7/21/20. This plant blooms for weeks!
Grey headed Coneflower (Ratibida pinnata) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 7/17/20
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 7/16/20
Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/12/20
Closeup of Fruits on Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/12/20
Leafy Prairie Clover (Dalea foliosa) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 7/11/20
Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 7/11/20
Culver’s Root (Veronicastrum virginianum) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/10/20
Culver’s Root (Veronicastrum virginianum) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/10/20
Culver’s Root (Veronicastrum virginianum) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/10/20
Swamp Milkweed (Aesclepias incarnata) growing in Pat Clancy’s raingarden 7/8/20
Royal Catchfly (Silene regia) and Purple Coneflower (Echinachea purpureum) growing in drier soil next to Pat Clancy’s small pond 7/8/20. Royal Catchfly attracts hummingbirds!
Michigan Lily (Lillium michiganense) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/8/20. These grow at the edge of the creek and have spread slowly over the years since Pat received a small slip from Wild Ones Kevin and Christa Collins.
Closeup of Michigan Lily (Lillium michiganense) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/8/20. It took years for these to show up and more years before they bloomed.
Dense Blazing Star (Liatris spicata) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/8/20
Mature Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) shrub, about 10′ x 10′, in wet area of Pat Clancy’s yard 7/8/20.
Closeup of Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/8/20. The flowers are just forming, will become more dramatic later.
Bottlebrush Grass (Hystrix patula) grows in the shade of a red maple tree in Pat Clancy’s back yard 7/8/20
Grouping of three mature Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) shrubs around the SE corner of Pat Clancy’s house 7/8/20
Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/8/20. Flowers are beginning to drop petals now, and are forming the nut-like fruits.
Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) from Pat Clancy’s yard 7/8/20
Beebalm (Monarda fistulosa) growing in Pat Clancy’s raingarden 7/8/20. This plant is also adaptable to drier sites.
Starry Campion (Silene stellata) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 7/6/20
Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 6/21/20
Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 6/21/20
Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) from Jeff and Bonnie Gahris’ yard 6/21/20
Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) from Jeff and Bonnie Gahris’ yard 6/21/20
Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea) from Jeff and Bonnie Gahris’ yard 6/21/20
Prairie Sundrops (Oenothera pilosella) from Rich and Liz Whitney’s yard 6/13/20
Bush Honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera) against south side of house under shade of large spruce tree in Pat Clancy’s yard 6/6/20. This is a native honeysuckle that grows in dry shade and is 3 feet high.
Closeup of Bush Honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera) flowers from Pat Clancy’s yard 6/6/20.
Lance-leaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) from Pat Clancy’s yard 6/5/20
Blue Flag Iris (Iris virginica) from Rich and Liz Whitney’s yard 6/5/20
Blue Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis) from Rich and Liz Whitney’s yard 6/1/20
Spiderwort (Tradescantia ohiensis) from Rich and Liz Whitney’s yard 6/1/20
Prairie Phlox (Phlox pilosa) from David Jagodzinski’s yard 6/1/20