DuPage for Pollinators BioBlitz

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Hosted by DuPage Monarch Project

Celebrate pollinators and help ecologists with the DuPage Monarch Project get a snapshot of wild DuPage!

Simply take photos Jun 21 – 27 of any pollinators you see — hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, beetles, etc. — in a DuPage forest preserve or park and upload them to the iNaturalist app.

Here’s how:

1. Download the free iNaturalist app to your smartphone, and create an account. Make sure to let the app use your location so it can record where you take each photo.

2. When you’re ready, open iNaturalist, select Observe under the camera icon at the bottom, and snap your photo.

3. Select Next and then Share. Once your photo uploads, you’re done (although you can always share more than one)!

4. Ecologists with the DuPage Monarch Project will review everyone’s images to get a better idea of pollinator activity in DuPage.

For more on this fun citizen scientist program, including a tutorial on how to use iNaturalist and a list of DuPage Monarch Project member agencies, visit dupageforest.org/bioblitz.