Emergency Prairie Rescue at Calvary Church in Naperville!!

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Pat Armstrong has just received late notice of the imminent destruction of the Pizzo-Planted FlowerHill Prairie at Calvary Church, located on the northwest corner of Route 59 and Montgomery Road (called 83rd Street east of Route 59, in Naperville.) Bulldozers are supposed to arrive sometime in the next week or two — SO WE NEED TO HURRY!!!

One of our members stopped by to see the prairie today, and there were men on mowers there already!! They were persuaded to wait until Monday but will be back. So we have to get there tomorrow, Saturday 10/22/22!!!

You may dig plants to take home or replant to a new site at the church, and you may collect seeds to take home or for our Wild Ones Seed Exchange on November 12, or to donate to Calvary Church for another prairie.

Come in the main Church entrance off Route 59 or off Montgomery Rd. and park toward the south of the building. The prairie that will be destroyed is located on the southeast corner of the property.

Pat Armstrong will be there this Saturday from 10 a.m. till noon, but you can probably come any time (except Sunday) to take plants and seeds until the bulldozers arrive.

There are many beautiful plants in this prairie including: compass plant, New England aster, smooth blue aster, stiff goldenrod, purple and white prairie clover, foxglove, Illinois bundle flower, tall coreopsis, beebalm, yellow coneflower, white wild indigo, purple coneflower, Canada tick trefoil, mountain mint, black-eyed Susan, hoary vervain, golden Alexander, prairie sunflower, false sunflower, and five different prairie grasses.

If anyone should ask you what you’re doing, say you are rescuing prairie plants and seeds and you have permission from Pastor Christian and Pat Armstrong to do so.