DuPage Monarch Project Saving Monarch Butterflies Video and Free Milkweed Seeds

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Please take a look at this video from the DuPage Monarch Project. It has a couple Wild Ones stars in it! We think all our Wild Ones members should have a chance to see it and share it with their friends and neighbors so that they see how important it is to save this important species and what they can do to participate!

The DuPage Monarch Project is contributing to Monarch recovery by mapping existing habitat in DuPage County, offering programs and advocating for cities, villages and park districts to sign a monarch conservation resolution. For more information and to see the annual reports go to dupagemonarchs.com.

For those who do not know, our chapter is a partner in The DuPage Monarch Project along with The Conservation Foundation, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, and the Sierra Club River Prairie Group.

Here are some good websites for more great Monarch information:
Wild for Monarchs Campaign
Monarch Watch
Xerces Society
Forest Preserve of DuPage County
Monarch Joint Venture
Saving Monarchs

Greater DuPage Wild Ones is offering seeds for the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca).

Small packet (about 100 seeds)
Medium packet (about 200 seeds)
Large packet (about 300 seeds)
X Large …. Contact us …. We will see what we can do!

Milkweed seeds require cold stratification to break the seed’s natural dormancy cycle. There still is time to cold stratify your seeds for spring planting. Put your seeds in a damp paper towel (not wet), or in some damp sand inside a ziploc bag, and place in your fridge for 3-6 weeks (30 days). Then sow them directly in the soil where you want them to grow, or sow into pots until they are able to be transplanted into your garden.

Mark the spot where you plant your seeds (or little seedlings) because it will take time for them to become mature. They may even go dormant after you plant them. And remember, do not give up! Seeds have their own schedule. They may wait until the conditions are right to germinate. But they are worth the wait, knowing that you are doing something to help the plight of the beautiful Monarch Butterfly!

Email Jeanette G at [email protected] for FREE MILKWEED SEEDS!