Community Eco-gardens: Landscaping with Native Plants

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Dennis Swiftdeer Paige has presented for our chapter in the past on creating native eco-gardens in your community. He is the author of a new book, Community Eco-gardens: Landscaping with Native Plants, published by Mcfarland and Company under Toplight Books, with a foreword by noted native plant expert and entomologist Doug Tallamy. His book, which is part how-to and part personal narrative, provides a practical guide for creating native-species ecogardens and chronicles Dennis’ 20-year journey of transcendental awakening. With the help of the greater community, a neglected five-acre condominium landscape is transformed into a stunning range of multi-seasonal prairie, woodland and wetland micro-habitats. Dennis illustrated account describes this process of ecological reconciliation and traces his discovery of the higher self along the way. His book will be out in print by late December, 2020 and can be pre-ordered through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Mcfarland and Company. For more information visit

There is also a wonderful video highlighting Dennis’ native landscaping project which aired on WTTW Chicago Tonight on PBS at

Dennis is now retired in the foothills of Colorado.